Information about prices, routes, and schedules. This way, they will know how to move around the city or town like a local, making their tourist experience more immersive and enriching. Original posters to get good reviews on social networks to get more tourist bookings and optimize your income. "Tag us on social media" and "Leave a rating" notes.Discover all the editable WiFi sign templates. So they don't use up their data, so they can call their families and tell them how much fun they're having! Provide network and password information on a sign. Explain in an editable note the check-in and check-out times and required documents. Add a photo and some fun text to make guests feel more at ease in your stay. It's always a great idea to introduce yourself in an original way to establish a certain bond with the customer. Also, create complementary signs for specific rules for bathrooms or garbage. The neighbors mustn't complain so that you can prosper and maintain your activity for a long time.

Make your rules clear: no parties, no music after 11 pm, etc.